Sunday, February 10, 2013

My Business Ideas List : my way to entrepreneurship!

Below are business ideas I got.
Some might not be genuine nor possible to implement anywhere in the world.
Still, I would like to share them.
Who knows, there might be people(s) out there crazy enough to become my future business partner(s)!
Comment welcome!

Business Ideas
Pb identified
Business Opportunity
Where is the money?
Field of business
Wine and Shoes store & bar

I usually spend a lot of time trying shoes.
I am also a wine amateur. So why not doing both at the same time and make one of an experience!
Increase shop traffic
cross-selling (shoes + wines)
High end shoes rental
Nice shoes are expensive.
Most of us cannot afford it.
So, why not have the possibility to rent shoes for a specific period of time!

rental busines, we all know about it
Localisation app when having a car accident
My car recently decided to stop working properly. Problem was that I was stuck in the traffic jam and that it was freezing outside. I first called the insurance to ask them to come over. I spent 10mn to explain them where I was. Then, the tow truck called me as he was not sure of the adress he had been given by the insurance. Conclusion : waited 2 hours for the towing guy to come. By the way, but that's an other biz idea  :the guy told me my car was fine, just overheated a bit! WTF!!
The value chain would have been much more efficient if they could have localized me from the 1st minute via the insurance app for example that would have then automatically passed over the info to the towing company.
Plus, what if, the same issue happen to me in, say, Roma. I do not know Roma so it would have been harder to state my location. that's another positive point for car rental companies.
Basic location service free of charge, option charged
Special subscription shemes for business partners and professionals
Remote check-up and fix for broken down car
refer to above for the pb I faced (last part)
Like for computer, it would be nice that car repair professionals could remotely access the It system of my car and make distance diagnosis, even fix it!. In my case, it could have saved me couple of hours, same goes for the towing guy.
could scale-up activities and therefore generate incremental business

1 comment:

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